SA Wine Industry Professional Body (SAWIPB) was established to develop practitioners and support industry related entities to ensure social sustainability

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Our Objectives

To develop people
  • To establish and promote Communities of Expert Practice within the Wine Industry that informs and promote people development processes and related development initiatives for the four Professional Councils.
  • development initiatives for the four Professional Councils.
  • To identify and define the industry specific or unique jobs and the related learning and development criteria for purposes of the Wine Industry.
  • To promote and inform learning and development initiatives to address skills shortages in the Wine Industry.
To designate practitioners
  • To acknowledge Practitioner potential by setting qualification, ability and conduct standards, and the Designation of Practitioners that meet the standards referred to below.
  • To promote a shared Code of Conduct for Practitioners.
  • To initiate and manage the Continuous Professional Development (“CPD”) of Practitioners to enhance their performance and keep them up to date with best practice trends.
Promote participation in the Professional Body within the Wine Industry
  • To acknowledge and obtain formal support from related bodies in the Wine Industry as well as Stakeholders through Affiliation agreements.
  • To formalise and promote relationships with international partners.
  • To market and promote the employment of Practitioners.
Develop and Build structure
  • To develop and build structure in relation to the Objectives set out above with a view to conducting its activities as a stand-alone structure within the Wine Industry if and when deemed advisable by Stakeholders within the Wine Industry.

Our Mandate

SAWIPB was established to advance the competencies of practitioners related to the occupations identified for the mentioned four sub sectors. These occupations include the ±300 000 elementary workers employed in the industry, seeking to promote their employability whilst promoting the profitability of the industry by addressing competence.

The professional body informs learning programmes, advises providers and avails continuous development initiatives based on defined competencies that were developed by subject matter experts in the industry.

The introduction and active promotion of A Code of Conduct for practitioners in the Wine Industry is aimed at defining conduct that will promote stakeholder confidence and minimise the industry’s impact on resources and the environment.

The SAWIPB is the first body established to address and co-ordinate the wine industry value chain’s skills development requirements. The professional body enjoys the support of employers and other bodies that serve specific aspects of the wine industry value chain.

  • Primary Wine Production (Viticulture)
  • Secondary Wine Production (Winemaking)
  • Wine Tourism and Marketing
  • Wine Logistics & Distribution

The Professional Body is partially sponsored by SA Wine.

Our Structure

Organogram: South African Wine Industry Professional Body


Any employee in the industry that performs wine industry specific work in primary production (viticulture), secondary production (oenology), wine tourism & marketing and wine distribution & logistics could join SAWIPB. Membership provides practitioners with the opportunity to:

  • Follow a learning pathway that promotes their career;
  • Be designated as an industry professional;
  • Apply for recognition of previous learning that contributes to obtaining designations or qualifications;
  • Provide continuous development opportunities; and
  • Promote ethical conduct and social sustainable practices.

To Join, simply click on login and agree to the Code of Conduct after logging in.

Support SAWIPB

Any organisation – employers, providers sponsors or professional bodies - that wants to formally support the objectives of SAWIPB may do so by affiliating with the Professional Body. Affiliation provides organisations with:

  • Support in obtaining grant funding to develop their people;
  • Online management of employees’ learning and development;
  • Supervisor and mentorship development;
  • Competence assessment frameworks and related learning programmes; and
  • Industry focussed social sustainability initiatives and best practice guidance.

To support SAWIPB, Register or Login and Agree to the Code of Conduct and SAWIPB’s objectives. A small annual fee is applicable depending on the size and profile of the organisation joining.

What can people and organisations that join expect from SAWIPB?

  • Preferential access to learning and development funding and sponsorship
  • Social Media platforms that share relevant information
  • Webinars and Knowledge Donations Events focussed on building relations, creating networking opportunities and proving best practice inputs
  • Online learning and links to resources aimed at supporting in-house and self-directed learning and development programmes
  • Recognition of Prior Learning self-assessment and application processes
  • Notices of Learnership and Grant Funding opportunities
  • Mentorship and Train-the Trainer programmes to support in-house learning
  • Access to the SA Wine LMS to monitor and manage Learning and Development processes
  • Reduced rate provider support and access to online learning platform
  • BBBEE scorecard, Skills Development and Employment Equity guidance
  • Vacancy and placement notices
  • Personal Development Plans and CV downloads

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